Association Management Services
CAMCO manages communities throughout Southern Nevada
We offer the following:
- Accessible, licensed Association Managers
- 24 hour Web site access: online account information
- 24 hour emergency service
- Provide monthly financial reports to the Board of Directors
- Read, study and understand all governing documents of the Association. Correspond with members in violation of the CC&Rs, By-laws, Rules & Regulations and report the status of all noncompliance to the Board of Directors in a timely manner.
- Act as the custodian of the corporate records. Coordinate preparing annual tax returns for the Association.
- Preparation and scheduling for Board meetings and annual membership meetings.
- Monitor delinquencies; send late notices and present problem accounts to the Board of Directors with recommendations for further action.
- Correspond with new members upon notification by the title company, providing the member with a welcome package explaining their benefits as well as responsibilities for all Association matters.
- Prepare the annual budget for Board approval.
- Prepare for and attend the budget ratification meeting.
- Prepare for and attend the annual meeting. This includes the taking and transcribing of minutes.
- Prepare for and attend all regular Board of Director meetings. This includes the taking and transcribing of minutes.
- Prepare for and attend all Executive sessions and hearings of the Board of Directors. This includes taking and transcribing of minutes.
- Obtain, award, supervise bids and work as required and directed by the Board of Directors.
- Collect all revenues and disburse payments to vendors as directed by the Board of Directors.
- Represent the Association as registered agent with the Secretary of State.
- Monitor and supervise vendors as directed by the Board of Directors.
- Bank Security with ACH Filter/Block and Positive Pay to avoid fraud on any account.